In technical analysis, we see the data pointers which are pointing out to the demand & supply of the particular stock. Demand is decided by the stock value, number of people who want to buy, scope for stock value to go up based on many technical indicators. These indicators also help us to decide the supply level. A few examples of these technical indicators are Moving Averages, Bolinger Bands, RSI etc. Investment in mutual funds might be a safer option while compared to investment in stocks. Investment in Mutual Fund is nothing but you are investing your money in a fund which is invested by the “Fund Manager” in the market, by buying good stocks giving good returns. There are different kind of funds like equity fund, debt fund, dividend fund, index funds, theme based funds, sectoral funds, growth funds, tax saving funds, aggressive growth funds,pension funds, open ended funds, closed ended funds etc. Depending upon your financial goal, risk appetite and longevity of investment, suitable funds can be suggested and invested. It doesn’t stop with this.